Stefanova - Medziholie - Stoh - Hromove - Chleb - Velky Krivan - Vratna
Sometimes, the lovely weather that is always hoped for just doesn't materialise. The recent hike in the Mala Fatras is an example of this. What views? We were actually in the clouds and there was a permanent mist lingering around on the ridges. So no brillant photos of the views from the Mala Fatras this time. Instead I will post some photos of the flowers that can be found in June.
Map used: 1:50 000, The Mala Fatras (Tatra Plan) Not a good map for micro navigation.
For those who are not inclined to hike up (or down) very steep inclines, there is the possibility to take the fast cable car from Vratna and start the ridge walk from the cable car station. It cuts out about 1 hr descent and nearly 2 hrs ascent. This part can be hazardous after rainy periods.
For more information: click here for Vratna Free Time website.
Click here for bus timetable information:
(Vratna is listed under the heading: "Terchová,,Vrátna výťah").